Your enemy has been whipped! – Friday, 18 August

Your enemy has been whipped! - Friday, 18 August

“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”
Colossians 2:14-15 KJV


Paul wrote the letter of Colossians to help the reader have a deeper understanding of what Jesus has done for us. Not only did Jesus secure our complete forgiveness at the cross (Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 10:10) but He also whipped satan and all demonic powers – He triumphed over them! Jesus spoiled the devil and his demons and He made a shew of them openly. If there was ever a battle where the victor creamed the loser, it was when Jesus whipped the devil.

Many Christians believe in the victory of Jesus – but at the same time, they are not aware of satan’s defeat. Jesus’ victory was for us – His victory is our victory and that is why we are more than conquerors through Him (Romans 8:37). More than a conqueror means that you can enjoy the fruit of victory without the effort needed to obtain victory.

And having spoiled principalities and powers – Jesus stripped satan and all demonic forces of their power. Jesus has disarmed the devil of his power against us and now his only power or weapon against us is deception.  The only way the devil can harm us is if we believe his lies and allow him to intimidate us through his deception. The truth is that Jesus has disarmed him (removed his power against us) and He’s made a shew of them openly.

The word shew means to exhibit. This conveys the idea that the devil and his forces are forever on display as losers. Many Christians see the devil as a powerful force against them – and he is a factor in our lives if we believe his lies. But they don’t see how Jesus displays the devil to us: as a defeated enemy! If we are not convinced of satan’s defeat, then we subject ourselves to be in bondage to him.

He made a shew of them openly – I love the word picture used here. Jesus made an exhibit of the devil – like when you catch a rare insect, impale it on a piece of cork and putting it up in a frame for all to see.

Not only did Jesus whip the devil and put his defeat on display publically, but He also triumphed over the demonic forces in His victory. In Bible times, when the Romans defeated an enemy they would strip the enemy king or leader of their armour and weapons, cut off their thumbs (so they couldn’t hold a sword) and cut off their big toes (so they couldn’t run), they would bind them with ropes or chains and parade them through the streets naked, to completely humiliate them and to declare to all that this enemy would no longer be a problem.

Jesus has defeated the devil, stripped him of his power against us, put his defeat on public display and triumphed over him by parading his defeat through the records of history in the Word. The sad truth is that many Christians have missed the parade – and because of this, they believe the devil’s lies and give in to his fear and intimidation.

Those who give in to the devil’s deception can be used by him to cause problems in our lives and in the world. That’s why we need to preach this message of the gospel in all the world – so that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ can shine in men’s hearts and transform their lives. When people come to know the truth, the devil can no longer influence them and keep them in bondage – because knowing the truth makes us free!

Much love,

PS. I’ll be ministering at GraceLife Pretoria this Sunday: 9:30am at the Centruion Hospice. If you’re in the area be sure to join us for a refreshing time together.


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