Spetember Newsletter – Mannekuier I 2016


Mannekuier I 2016


Mannekuier has and continues to be one of the most consistent life groups in Stellenbosch. Since Mannekuier first started, it has evolved and grown into what it is today. There is always a growing anticipation and excitement amongst the guys leading up to the meeting which is now happening at the Blue Crane and Butterfly every Friday morning at 7am. The name Mannekuier itself is enticing to a wider range of people and does not come with the stigma that is often associated with small groups. A number of students have started joining the meeting and over the past 6 months one of the guys got born again and has been attending consistently ever since. It’s amazing how Mannekuier has provided a platform where the guys feel comfortable to share what is on their hearts and everyone seems to get involved.

The largest group that attended this year was around 20 guys and in the past 6 months, the group has consistently been an average of 8-10 guys. There is a great expectation amongst the guys who are all excited to see where Mannekuier will be in the next 6 months. Proverbs 27:17 – “As Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”.

Written by 

Jonathan Deenik
