Some encouragement from William (6) and Elliott (4)

Some encouragement from William (6) and Elliott (4)

who is 6 years old, said, “that’s bad!” So I started praying out aloud for our friends, Pastors Isaac and Rebecca and the church family in Zimbabwe. After I prayed, William said a loud, “Amen!” and said that I should “send uncle Isaac the scripture about seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” I was amazed that he knew the verse! Rather than me send it to him, William sent “uncle Isaac” a voice note with the word of encouragement. “Unlce Isaac” replied very thankful and encouraged!

My wife, Marna, explained to William that it was the Holy Spirit in him that prompted him to want to send that verse of encouragement to “uncle Isaac”. It was a great learning opportunity.

And so, in this podcast, William and Elliott share a word of encouragement and a joke or two. I know that it will bless you!

Much love all the way from Birmingham, Alabama!



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