Sin is no longer the problem – Friday, 13 April

Sin is no longer the problem - Friday, 13 April
“6 For when the time was right, the Anointed One came and died to demonstrate his love for sinners who were entirely helpless, weak, and powerless to save themselves. 7 Now, who of us would dare to die for the sake of a wicked person? We can all understand if someone was willing to die for a truly noble person. 8 But Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly!”
Romans 5:6-8 The Passion Translation
The gospel is the good news of what Jesus has done for us and what He is freely offering us. This message will sound as if it’s too good to be true because it strips us of any performance-based attitudes and trust in our efforts or goodness that make us think we could deserve salvation or achieve right-standing with God, and this good news leaves us in the place where the only thing left to do is give up and place all our trust in Jesus. To the religious person trusting in their goodness and holy living, this is offensive. To those trusting in their wisdom and reason, it’s foolish nonsense (1 Corinthians 1:23). The gospel doesn’t make sense to those who think they need to do something for God to love, accept or bless them, and yet that’s the gospel: God loves you unconditionally and through Christ, He is accepting you and blessing you even though you don’t deserve it!
We were entirely helpless, weak, and powerless to save ourselves. We were sinners, completely lost and ungodly – God haters; enemies with Him. And yet, when the time was right, the Anointed One (Jesus, the Messiah) came and died to demonstrate His love for sinners. It doesn’t make sense that a perfect, righteous God would love His enemies (sinners) and give everything to rescue them from perishing (John 3:16) but He did. Through Christ and His sacrifice for us, God’s passionate love was demonstrated and proved.
“For God was in Christ, restoring the world to himself, no longer counting men’s sins against them but blotting them out. This is the wonderful message he has given us to tell others.”
2 Corinthians 5:19 TLB
In Christ, God reached out to us and completely blotted out all of mankind’s sin so that He could make a way for us to enjoy union with Him. He didn’t just ignore the sin but paid for it Himself through His sacrifice on the cross (John 1:29; 1 John 2:2). This is the wonderful message He has given to us to tell others: that through Jesus, God restored us to right relationship with Him by completely dealing with sin once and for all. Sin is no longer an issue between God and man! Your sin is completely paid for by Jesus which means that you will never be judged by God for your sin. That’s a bold statement but it’s the gospel truth!

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