September Newsletter – Worthy Women I 2016


Worhty Women I 2016


Worthy Women started because I felt on my heart that this is what God was leading me to do. I believe He wanted me to start a group where women can connect and grow to a place where they realise their own true worth and identity. I wanted to facilitate this place so that once they knew it, they could walk out in it and minister to others too.

I officially only launched Worthy Women in March of this year so there is still much room for growth but I am encouraged to know that we have a few ladies who faithfully attend every week. I am however expecting that the group will grow during the rest of he year so that even more women can be impacted by the Gospel of grace.

Worthy Women has impacted the ladies through the fellowship around the word and grace community that they now have. Heather actually shared the following after I approached her about how Worthy Women has impacted her:

“Thank you for the love and encouragement I receive every Friday morning – it is absolutely worth getting organised and to be able to go to the early meeting. To understand that God’s love is sufficient for me, to get more clarity and even support in daily issues that cause so much stress just blesses me. To also be part of a loving family and experience perfect peace by keeping my mind focused on God – Thank you!”

Written by

Moira Lotz
