September Newsletter – Albania Mission I 2016


ALBANIA Mission I 2016


In John 2, Jesus turns water (that which is natural), into wine (that which is supernatural).  We can say with confidence that, that is exactly what has been happening in Durrës, Albania.  Since the beginning of this year, we’ve seen a steady increase in church attendance (from five people to just over fifteen people attending regularly now). Earlier in the year, we celebrated three water baptisms and four people receiving Jesus for the first time during the summer camp.

Our summer camp was amazing. We had over twenty young people attending from all over the city. Additionally we had teams from South-Africa, Zimbabwe and Holland come and join us in assisting with the camp.   During this time, we got to connect with new children, whom are now regularly attending church.  We had the opportunity to share the gospel with the children every day of the summer camp whilst having the team from Zimbabwe and our volunteers taking part in the evangelism training.

The team from Holland were excited to see what was happening through GraceLife, in Durrës. They truly encouraged us to keep on doing the work God has called us to do.

Our new venue is almost completed and it looks wonderful! God has placed us right in the middle of the city, which we believe will draw people to us in supernatural ways.

We praise God for who He is and what He is doing!

Written by

Alécia Erasmus
