Nothing bad will happen to you! – Friday, 2 February

Nothing bad will happen to you! - Friday, 2 February

“A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked.”
Psalm 91: 7-8 NKJV

“A thousand people may fall dead at your side or ten thousand right beside you, but nothing bad will happen to you!”
Psalm 91:7 ERV
When we are dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty, abiding in Him (Psalm 91:1) and speaking out our faith (confident persuasion) in what His Word declares about us (Psalm 91:2) we will experience supernatural protection. This verse is specifically talking about supernatural protection from deadly plagues that are on your doorstep!
Even though contagious diseases are affecting people and there are many who are falling dead all around you – it will not come near you! Verse 10 reiterates this promise saying, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling (NKJV) or no diseases will come near your home (ERV). We do not have to suffer what the world suffers, and we should not expect to be affected by the negative things they experience because we are dwelling in the protection of our Father who is Almighty God.
“Surely he shall deliver thee…”
Psalm 91:3 KJV
God’s Word is a sure thing. He is faithful and you can trust that what He says He will do. When we believe God’s Word concerning His supernatural protection against diseases, economic turmoiland deadly plagues, and we speak out our faith that we are fully persuaded that He will (surely) deliver us from the negative things that the world experiences – we will experience His supernatural protection.
You may not believe what I’m saying, and that’s why it isn’t working for you. You need to believe it and boldly declare it: “it’s a sure thing that God – my Father – will deliver me from the destruction that everyone else is experiencing!”

Say it out loud:
I will not suffer what the world suffers. No plague shall come near my home. No diseases will come near my household. It’s a sure thing that God – my Father – will deliver me from the destruction that everyone else is experiencing!


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