Immeasurably More

Immeasurably More

We’re currently in a series looking at how to make the year ahead a great year and my desire for you is that this year ahead would be your greatest year, ever. The New Year ahead isn’t going to be good because you hoped it would be good or because God wants it to be good. So many people wrongly believe that a new year is going to be better because it’s a new year but the truth of the matter is that a new year’s only better than the previous year if you adjust a few things.

God’s will for you and His plan for you this year is that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers (3 John 2). His will for you, this year, is that you would be an influencer; that you would be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-14) as an ambassador of Christ for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), and that wherever you go people would be impacted by Christ in you, the hope of glory. God’s desire for you this year, is that you would walk in your destiny more and more. He longs for you to grow in an intimate relationship with Him. God’s desire for you is that you would step into the fullness of walking in the nature and the power of the Holy Spirit. These are the things that God desires for you but not because it’s a specific year; He desires this for us every year and in every season.

John 16:33 Living Bible (TLB)
“I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.”.

I’m not prophesying it over you, I’m just telling you what Jesus said. This year will probably have some trouble in it but as Jesus said, “take heart… cheer up…” for He has overcome the world, and thus you can overcome the challenges that lie ahead this year! No matter what happens, no matter what tragedy hits, no matter what crisis comes, no matter what problems come your way, no matter what persecution you may experience: this could be your best and most fruitful year, yet!

God can’t make you have a good year but He has set you up for a good one! He’s given you promises in His Word that you can “cash-in on” any time, but that’s the point: you have to “cash-in on” them (receive them by faith). If you don’t believe and trust in God then you’ll go without. God cannot force a good year on you and the devil can’t ruin this year for you. You choose. You are either allowing God to do what he wants to do in your life or you’re allowing the enemy to do what he wants to do in your life. Don’t focus on what the enemy is doing or trying to do in your life, focus on the fact that God’s plans for you are good; that He has good plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans for a future filled with hope! God’s desire for you is that this year would be a year filled with hope for you. He wants you to be expectant of good things, not bad things. His heart, his desire for you is only good.

Ephesians 3:20 New International Version (NIV)
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

Many people look at a verse like this and say, “God is able to do immeasurably, more than I could ask or imagine!” And yes, that’s 100% true, but we cannot leave that there because it’s half a truth. We cannot say, “well, you know, God is able to do measurably more than He did in the previous year and so this year is going to be great.” This verse continues saying, “according to His power that works within us”. God can do much more in your life this year than He’s done in any previous year but it’s in proportion to His power that’s at work within you. This could be the power of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit but whatever it is, it needs you to release it and it’s not released without your permission. You need to cooperate with God in order for this year to be better than last year. You need to cooperate with God if you want this year to be a good year. It’s not going to happen by accident. God’s plans and purposes for you aren’t just going to happen because He wills them to. His grace (undeserved favour) towards you only manifests because of your faith in Him.

You may have had a rough year last year or it may have been your best year so far. However, it was, don’t let the next year to happen to you, be purposeful and believe (aim) for something better! Choose to have the attitude that, come what may you’re going to respond in a positive way and be more than a conqueror! Decide that this year is going to be your year of overcoming. This is going to be your year of victory and of walking in the promises of God.

Psalm 23:4 Living Bible (TLB)
Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way.

You may find yourself in a dark place but remember that you’re walking through it and you will get to the other side! You’re not camping in the dark places but you’re overcoming and moving through! You’re going to have a testimony no matter what tests come your way because you know that God works everything together for your good because He loves you, you love Him and you’re called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28)!

Expect a good year and don’t anticipate a bad one. Be hopeful for a good year and that God is able to do measurably more than you could imagine this year; that this year could be better than your wildest dreams because you’re cooperating with God and releasing His power that is at work within you. Trust God, have faith, release faith and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit in you. Make a decision to walk by faith and not by sight. Make a decision to walk by the Spirit and to focus on your relationship with God and grow in the things of God.


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