GraceLife Lifegroups I The Life of the Chruch


GraceLife Lifegroups I The Life of the Chruch

by Pieter Weenink


Pieter Weenink Durbanville Area Pastor & Central Lifegroup Overseer


At GraceLife we take our LifeGroups seriously! We are focusing on the development of LifeGroup leaders and the implementation of structures in order to reach further and see a greater impact for Jesus in the lives of real people being changed all over the world!


The GraceLife LifeGroups are experiencing EXPONENTIAL growth, not just in numbers but also in the different areas that we are impacting. Based on the leadership team’s decision that LifeGroups are critical to the way that we want to build, we are sowing precious resources (i.e. leaders, time and money) into the facilitation of LifeGroups. God is not only opening up opportunities in different areas, but supplying a great harvest!


“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for your food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 9:10


God not only provides the resources (including leaders) that we need to sow the Good News, but He multiplies them so that we can sow more, do more, reach further and have a greater impact for the Kingdom!


LifeGroups enable us as a ministry to personally connect with people in their communities with the aim of loving, caring and influencing them with the unconditional love and grace of Jesus. We are seeing this in action. Your support as a partner in the ministry is helping us impact individuals, families and communities with the unconditional love and grace of Christ!
For this newsletter I have decided to focus specifically on the following areas:


Cape Town

We launched a LifeGroup in Cape Town during the beginning of September and it is really going well. We started off with five regulars, of which only three are current members of GraceLife. The people of Cape Town are open for the message of grace and are eager to learn more and experience the unconditional love of Jesus. There are numerous opportunities in the Cape Town area and we are super excited about what God has in store for us there!


The Mannekuier group that meets every Friday morning at The Blue Crane & The Butterfly in Stellenbosch is exploding. Here the GraceLife men share life and share the gospel over a great cup of coffee! There is a strong core group and we will be looking to replicate Mannekuier in Durbanville and other areas soon.


Paarl (Mbekweni)
Another area that we are ministering in through LifeGroups is Paarl. A member of GraceLife who lives in Mbekweni (Paarl) went through our Rooted course and the fruit in her life attracted others in her community. They desperately wanted what they saw in her life! This has led to the launching of weekly group sessions in Mbekweni. They worked through the Rooted discipleship course and are now focusing on their identity and freedom in Christ. We are planning to launch a second LifeGroup in this area soon with many more to come.


Durbanville is another area where we are experiencing great growth. Not only are people attending LifeGroup more regularly, which leads to greater transformation in many lives, but we also recently launched a third LifeGroup in this area. This new LifeGroup is more family-orientated and has the potential to impact the lives of numerous families in the Durbanville area.

