Yes, you read the title correctly: God is not going to heal you today! This is why so many people don’t experience healing – because they are waiting for God to do something.

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his
wounds you have been healed.”
 1 Peter 2:24 ESV

Scripture says that “by His wounds, you have been healed.” Through Jesus’ sacrifice, healing was provided for you. It’s important to note that this is in the past tense; “by His wounds, you have been healed.” God is not going to heal you today, or release any healing power for you today because He has already provided for your healing! More than 2000 years ago, God provided healing for every sickness and disease. The provision for your healing has already been given. God is not withholding your healing, neither is He rewarding people with healing. Healing and health is never a reward from God: it is a gift. God has already given you your healing as a gift. This gift is completely independent of your performance. It is not dependent on your personal holiness or even your devotion to God.


This is where many people miss it. They assume that their being healed today is completely up to God. They are waiting on God to do something and move on their behalf. But God has moved. God has already acted on their behalf. Through Jesus, God has declared that He wants you well. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, He has already released all the healing power that would ever be needed.


One of the reasons many people do not receive healing is that they don’t see healing as an accomplished fact. They see it as something that still needs to happen. They are waiting on God to do something, not realizing that He has already done it. “By His wounds, you have been healed.” This is a statement of something that has already happened. It is an accomplished fact that through Jesus’ wounds you have been healed.


There is no need to ask God for healing because He has already given it to you. Whether you deserve it or not is irrelevant – healing belongs to you. Stop asking God for healing and start praising Him for it. Start thanking Him that His will for you is healing, thank Him that He has already given healing to you and thank Him that you are healed! The gift (of healing) has been given. But have you received it?


Another reason many don’t experience the healing that already belongs to them is that they haven’t received it. They may still be begging God for healing, not realizing that it’s already in them and that they just need to accept it.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”
Ephesians 2:8 ESV

 The biblical definition of the word “saved” is “healed, delivered, prospered and made whole.” Salvation is more than forgiveness of sins; it includes healing, wholeness, freedom and provision.

“For by grace you have been saved (healed) through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”
Ephesians 2:8 ESV

 By His grace, God has given us healing; we experience that gift by receiving it (faith). God has generously provided salvation and healing for every person who shall ever live, but they need to receive it by faith. Faith experiences what grace has provided. Faith is being fully persuaded of what God has said. Faith is our positive response to what God has already done by His grace. Not everyone enjoys what God has graciously given because they are not believing and receiving it.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Romans 10:9 KJV

Scripture shows us that we must believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths to be saved. This word “saved” also means “healed, delivered, prospered and made whole.” Salvation, and healing, is freely extended towards us by God’s grace, but it’s not automatic; it must be received by faith.


God is faithful. He has provided healing for all. All we need to do it receive it.


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