Free Online Foundations Course*

Free Online Foundations Course*

Hello <<First Name>>,

As promised…

I have been working on developing curriculum for our “GraceLife Ministry School” which is currently underway. So far we have received great feedback from students in Piketberg, Stellenbosch and Tygerberg. To make some of our modules accessible to those who are unable to attend at a GraceLife campus, we are using Udemy! 

So far, we have one course uploaded on Udemy and ready to go and I am excited to make it available to a few of you! It is a great course focusing on a few key essential subjects that were instrumental in changing my life, and I know will be a blessing to you!

What you’ll learn in this course:

  • Essential Foundations for the Christian Life
  • The Gospel of Grace
  • Relationship with God
  • The difference between the Old and New Covenants
  • The Believer’s identity in Christ

It’s 5 hours of video teaching with downloadable notes and online assignments which are sure to help you dig deeper. Click here or below to sign up!

There are only 10 free spaces available and you’ll have to complete the course by 17 March 2020 in order for it to be completely free. If you desire to grow in your relationship with God, then this opportunity is for you! It is intense and will require more than just casual listening to a few teachings. After each lesson, you will have to complete an online test which will require some thinking, but I truly believe that it will help you dig deep foundations!


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