Experiencing Relationship with God…

Experiencing Relationship with God...

Hello <<First Name>>,

Due to some technical difficulties and a few challenges I am unable to continue with our current devotional today, and possibly tomorrow… I am trusting for things to get back on track quickly! But I have some great news! I have been working on developing curriculum for our “GraceLife Ministry School” which is currently underway. So far we have received great feedback from students in Piketberg, Stellenbosch and Tygerberg. To make some of our modules accessible to those who are unable to attend at a GraceLife campus, we are using Udemy! 

Today’s devotional is a snippet from Lesson 2 of Module 1 and I know that it will bless you! This devotional, alone, will encourage you and minister to you but is a part of a 5-hour curriculum which will take you deeper… tomorrow I will be sharing a coupon to enrol for the Udemy Course for free*!

Much love to you all.


*Coupons limited to first 10 people to sign up.


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