Don’t give up – keep hearing!  – Monday, 23 October

Don't give up - keep hearing!  - Monday, 23 October
There’s a powerful testimony at the bottom – be sure to read through the devotional and click the link to the video/ article at the bottom.

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Romans 10:17 KJV 
God’s Word is the foundation of our faith. Do you know what God’s Word says concerning your life, and especially your health? Are you hearing what God’s Word says concerning your health?

Sadly, many believers have heard what God’s Word says about healing but they aren’t hearing it today. They’ll say something like, “Yes, I have heard that God heals and the Bible says that healing is for today…” and they’ll share testimonies saying “I was healed once…” or “I knew a guy who was healed of something…”. But faith is a present tense reality. We need to be hearing what God’s Word says. It needs to be fresh for us in the here and now.  And this is what God’s Word says concerning your health: “By Jesus’ stripes you were healed!”  (1 Peter 2:24)

You may be in the Word continuously and actively hearing and receiving God’s Word concerning your health – that’s good. If you’re not seeing improvement or change I want to encourage you to keep going and don’t give up. What you’re going through may be challenging and the pain may be real, but God’s Word is more sure than what you feel and God’s Word never fails.

Keep on hearing because something will have to budge and it will have to budge soon. Sickness is no match for the power of God’s Word – Keep hearing and don’t lose hope. Don’t give up and don’t stop focusing on Jesus, His love for you and what He has done for you – as you do this you’re building your faith (Hebrews 13:2). As you’re hearing and receiving God’s Word what you’re doing is actively fighting against the devil and the sickness (which is from the devil).

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
James 4:7 NKJV

To resist is to actively fight against. In a battle, you don’t stop resisting the enemy until the battle is over. You may get tired in the battle but God has a solution for that: regularly (1) pray in the Spirit (this will build you up in faith and refresh you), and (2) fellowship with and allow likeminded believers to encourage you, lay hands on you and minister to you.


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