Daily Devotional

Mar 2019
Change your perspective!

We don’t have to let our hearts be troubled; if we keep our hearts and minds fixed on God and we trust in his promises then we can overcome anything. Our first reaction to tragedy or to negative news should not be one of panicking but of trusting God. John 14:1-4, “Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me, in my father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so I would’ve told you, I go to prepare a place for you and if I......

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Where is your mind?
March 08, 2019

Where is your mind?

We’re currently looking at how we can overcome challenges and difficult circumstances. We don’t have to be overcome by the things that the world is overcome by but rather we can overcome them! John 14:1 says,...

Experience perfect peace!
March 05, 2019

Experience perfect peace!

We’re currently talking about how to overcome challenging circumstances and deal with the complexities which we sometimes experience in life. Bad things happen to good people but the bottom line is that we know that...

God is waiting for you!
March 01, 2019

God is waiting for you!

When business is going bad and your finances, relationships, health, marriage and a whole bunch of other things seem to be just plain challenging, we sometimes have the tendency to believe that we’re just getting...

Experience the goodness of God!
February 27, 2019

Experience the goodness of God!

Yesterday, we started looking at how there is hope for any situation. The challenges in life… the difficult circumstances… no matter what you’re going through – nothing is too difficult for God! Amen! That’s really...