Believing what you cannot see – Saturday, 28 October

Believing what you cannot see - Saturday, 28 October
“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
Mark 11:24 KJV
Here is a key to receiving: when you pray, you have to believe that you’ve got it, even before you see it. Then you shall have it! Faith does not see and then believe. Faith sees it in the heart before it sees anything in the physical.
There is a whole invisible realm that we don’t see, and yet it exists. Many of us just don’t experience it because we do not perceive and acknowledge that realm. Just because you don’t see the wind doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Isn’t it funny how many people will believe that they have some or other disease or sickness that they can’t see? They believe the evidence the doctor gives them, but they can’t see anything. It all comes down to this: who’s report will you believe?

A lot of people won’t believe what God (who is unseen) says in His Word (which is seen) concerning their healing and health, and yet there are so many scriptures as evidence and as a witness. Many Christians don’t really believe what God’s Word says.

The Word says “Jesus bore your sickness and disease” and “by Jesus’ wounds you have been healed”, and yet that is not enough evidence for them. The Word should be all the evidence we need in life – we need to believe the Word.
God wants you healthy and whole, now! Now is His acceptable time for your healing, of your deliverance and of your salvation. God doesn’t want you to perish one moment longer. God’s Word says that by Jesus’ wounds you are healed, and therefore I declare that you are healed. God’s Word says that Jesus bore your sickness and carried your diseases, therefore you do not have to carry any sickness or disease. In Jesus’ Name, I command every pain to go in your body. Everything in your body that is out of balance, I command now: come into balance and be whole! Any disease or illness that is attacking you: we resist you now and command you to GO in Jesus Name, according to the will of the Almighty God. I declare that you are healed! In the Name and authority of Jesus Christ.

Much love, 
Shayne Holesgrove

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