Author Archives: Shayne Holesgrove

Shayne Holesgrove

100% right with God
in Daily Devotional

100% right with God

We all want to reign in life. That’s God’s will for us. Romans 5:17, says, for if by one man’s offence, death reigned by one much more, they which receive abundance of grace and the...

February 20, 2019
Do you have a question?
in Daily Devotional

Do you have a question?

Today’s episode of Grace for Today: The Christian life is the grace life. It’s a life of living in the deserved unmerited, unearned favor of God, not trying to achieve, earn or deserve the favor...

February 19, 2019
Created to dominate!
in Daily Devotional

Created to dominate!

We’ve been talking about how to reign and rule in life, and we’ve been focusing on Romans chapter five and especially verse 17. We will get back to that in another podcast but in this...

February 16, 2019
Reign over loadshedding...?
in Daily Devotional

Reign over loadshedding…?

Due to current loadshedding/ electricity supply interruptions today’s podcast is not availble… The power went off in the middle of producing my next batch of podcasts… Tomorrow, when the power is on and everything is...

February 14, 2019