What are you acknowledging? – Thursday, 09 November

What are you acknowledging? - Thursday, 09 November
“That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”
Philemon 1:6 KJV
Believers around the world are begging God for more faith or begging for a healing or blessings, not realizing that they’ve already got it. We’ve already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Paul isn’t praying that Philemon will get something more from the Lord because you cannot get anything more from God than you already have; he’s praying that Philemon’s faith would begin to work.
Is your faith working? Are you seeing results? We can all grow in this area. We can all experience more victory. Paul shares the key to activating your faith (that you already have), and it’s simply to “acknowledge every good thing that is in you because you’re in Christ Jesus.”
The word “acknowledge” means “to admit or to recognize”. You can only acknowledge or recognize something that exists; something that you have. We already have the faith of God, and it will begin to work when we acknowledge it.
You’ve got the same faith Jesus has – it’s on the inside of you. You’ve got all the faith you’ll ever need. You just need to acknowledge it! Stop falsely acknowledging that you don’t have faith, or that you need more faith, and start acknowledging that you’ve got Jesus Christ’s faith in you! Stop acknowledging that you’re weak and powerless. Start acknowledging that because you’ve got Jesus’ faith in you, you will see results when you pray, and you can do that same works He did and greater! (John 14:12)

Much love, 
Shayne Holesgrove

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