Stay focused on His love! – Friday, 20 October

Stay focused on His love! - Friday, 20 October

Healing has been provided for you through what Jesus did for you on the cross! Healing and health belong to you – it’s a gift that God has graciously given it to you – it’s yours for the taking.
“For by grace you have been saved (healed) through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”
Ephesians 2:8 ESV
The word “saved” comes from the Greek word “sozo” which can also be defined as “healed, delivered, prospered and made whole”. This reveals that salvation is more than just forgiveness of sins but that it includes healing. Ephesians 2:8 shows us that salvation (and healing) has been provided for by God’s grace – it’s a free gift – now we need to receive it by faith. Faith isn’t complicated. It’s simply a positive response (receiving) to what God has already freely provided. Faith is being persuaded or convinced of something. Faith is a belief which leads to a corresponding action.

“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all “
Titus 2:11 NKJV

God’s free gift (grace) of salvation (which includes healing) has appeared to (has been offered to) all men. God is not withholding healing or salvation from anyone – God is a good and loving Father who desires that no one perish (eternally nor in the here-and-now) but He wills that all come to salvation (2 Peter 3:9). God’s desire and will is that you be in good health and prosper (3 John 2). This is His desire for you and He’s already purchased and provided it for you through Jesus! 

“He who did not spare [even] His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? “
Romans 8:32 AMP

The gift of Jesus was the greatest gift you and I could ever receive – it was the ultimate gift of love. This demonstration of love was a demonstration of self-sacrificial love. While we were sinners – God haters – Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). If God gave us the best and greatest gift of all: Jesus – which is an eternal gift – why wouldn’t He give us lesser gifts like healing or provision?

Hear me out: I know that there are people who are desperate for healing in their bodies. The pain and suffering are sometimes too much to bear.  But think about it: Jesus gave us eternity with Him (that’s forever), while healing is a temporal issue – we will only need it in this life. When you get to heaven you won’t need to believe for healing or provision because you won’t need them! If God could give us something of eternal value – Jesus and salvation in Him – then the lesser, temporal things like healing or provision are certainly a piece of cake for Him.

“…faith which worketh by love. “
Galatians 5:6 KJV

The more you are convinced of the Father’s love for you, the easier it will be for you to receive. Healing isn’t difficult for God and He loves you so much that He has given you far more than physical healing. If He would gladly give His life for you, so that you would be forgiven, made righteous, brought into a perfect relationship with Him and live forever in eternity with Him, then how much more glad would He be to provide you with something much smaller than eternity? Healing isn’t difficult – no matter what the condition is. Chronic and terminal illnesses are nothing compared to the abundant provision of healing power that we have in Christ!

Keep focused on His goodness and love for you, and you’ll see your faith work.


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