Outreaches I Reaching out with the love of Jesus


Outreaches I Reaching out with the love of Jesus

By Coenraad Swanepoel


By Coenraad Swanepoel – Outreach & Missions Leader

Over the past few months we have had a number of local street outreaches. The heart behind these local outreaches is to equip believers for the work of the ministry so that the whole world might know God and His love for them (Ephesians 4:11-13). We are seeing so much fruit: people are receiving Christ, experiencing God’s love and being healed from all sorts of things. Those who attend the outreaches are growing in their walk with God and are becoming more and more effective in ministering God’s love and power to others.


On the weekend of the 21st of October, we sent a team to Cape Town where we visited three hospitals and two townships to minister the love of God to people. We encouraged people, led people to Christ, and ministered healing to many individuals.


One man agreed to prayer because he was struggling with the flu. We prayed for him and instantly every symptom left him. He then mentioned that he had been on his way to a group meeting for recovering drug addicts. In that moment, the Holy Spirit led the conversation to the point where he said that he doesn’t know who Jesus is but he has heard of him.


We shared Jesus and His love with him. He received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and was able to realize the truth that he no longer is a drug addict but a new creation, a son of God, and righteous!


This is just an example of one of the countless testimonies that anyone on our outreach teams can bear witness to.


Local outreaches are currently happening in Stellenbosch and surrounding areas every weekend.
