Campus Updates I GraceLife Piketberg


Campus Updates I GraceLife Piketberg

By Tjaart & Lize-Marie Olivier


Tjaart & Lize-Marie Olivier – Campus-Pastors at GraceLife Piketberg

“I’m sick, but I will go Sunday service and ask the pastor to pray for me. Or no, wait a minute – I have Jesus within me. I can pray to God for myself and receive my healing from Him! ”

These recent words from someone in our congregation display the change in mindset about our identity in Christ that so many people have experienced here in Piketberg. The person prayed for themselves and received their healing. God truly has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1: 3) and the more we know him, the more we realize the power that He has made available to each of us personally in His name!


New Building
GraceLife Piketberg moved to a more permanent building this year in April, which brought about much positive change and progress in more than one area.The building was formerly a workshop and in order to transform it into a church building, it involved a rezoning application, hard work, and God’s eternal faithful provision beyond our understanding!


Where we were previously limited in our space and time for services, because we had to use other people’s facilities, we now have a larger children’s church area, a comfortable and practical parent’s room and a hall which can accommodate about 120 people to hear the gospel preached on a Sunday.


The more permanent building is not our focus, but only a means of equipping us to reach more people with the good news of God’s love. We are now able to present Bible School classes on Wednesday nights. The teachings thus far have already brought much freedom and life to the students because of the knowledge they have discovered together in the Word. It is changing the way they think, challenging them to grow and strengthening their personal relationship with the Lord.


For us, the most rewarding aspect of our work is to see this group of people transform before our very eyes – simply because they begin to see themselves as God sees them. One of our favourite examples is the Bible School’s student whose outlook on life has changed so much that she is now handling very challenging situations at work almost without effort – where she could barely cope with them before. What a testimony and a shining light to everyone in her life and workplace!

