?Hearing God’s voice (1) ?

“Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God.I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Most people are expecting God to speak to them in some extravagant way and yet God speaks to our hearts in a still small voice (2 Kings 19:11-12). For many people, it’s difficult to discern what God is saying because the busyness and clutter in their lives and hearts is drowning out the still small voice. Remember that Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice (John 10:3-5) and so you’re not trying to get God to speak to you – because He is speaking to you – you’re learning to identify that still small voice in your heart.

“O Lord, I know that the path of [life of] a man is not in himself; It is not within [the limited ability of] man [even one at his best] to choose and direct his steps [in life].”
Jeremiah 10:23 Amplified Bible (AMP)

We will never be successful in and of ourselves. Success comes from knowing God and following His lead. Regardless of how educated or experienced you are, you were not designed to operate successfully apart from God. If you want to walk in your destiny then it all comes down to knowing God, being able to discern His voice and being obedient to follow His lead.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”
Psalm 37:4 King James Version (KJV)

One of the ways in which we can discern that still small voice is through the desires in our hearts. This verse isn’t saying that God will give you whatever you desire but rather that if you delight yourself in the Lord He will give you desires in your heart. The condition here is that we delight ourselves in the Lord. This means that we maintain a soft or sensitive heart toward the Lord; that our hearts are pliable or mouldable towards God’s influence. It means that you’re a living sacrifice willing to say yes to whatever God has for you (Romans 12:2). The Passion Translation says, Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life. When we’re in this place of humility before God where we are surrendered to Him and His will, then our hearts are easily influenced by Him and we can simply follow the desires we have in our hearts because we know that they are Godly desires. This is just one of the ways to discern God’s voice and leading in our lives.


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