? How much are you paying for success? ?

God doesn’t either destine you for success or failure. God created us on purpose and for a purpose. No one was destined to be a dud. No one was created to simply exist and take up space. Every person is important and has a significant calling. God never created anyone for a mediocre life but for a significant life. One of the first steps to being successful is realizing that God doesn’t make you a success or a failure. Yes, He makes a way for you to be successful; He gives you talents and abilities and favour, and He can lead you in making great decisions with His wisdom and insight, but you must choose it. Your choices determine your destiny – are your choices focused in the right direction?
The world’s idea of success and God’s idea of success are completely different. You will make choices consistent with your definition of success. If you define success like the world does you will be aiming for that and your decisions will be made accordingly. I’m sure that because of the constant influence of media, social media and Hollywood, we all need to continually renew our minds and start embracing how God sees success.
“36 For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world [with all its pleasures], and forfeit his soul?”
Mark 8:36 Amplified Bible (AMP)

The world sees success as being rich or, being rich and famous. But true success is not in having a lot of stuff nor is it in having enough money to have anything your heart desires. You can have a big thriving business, a big house, many cars, loads of money and everything the world has to offer, and not be successful. Jesus said, what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? Soul is referring to your heart (emotions and well-being) or even your life. The word forfeit can also be translated as detriment or damage. In essence, what Jesus is saying is, What benefit is it to a man to obtain everything the world has to offer (riches, fame, pleasures) and yet damage his heart and life?
It’s not wrong to have fame and fortune, but you need to ask yourself if your priorities and motivation are correct (Matthew 6:33), and you need to consider the cost at which you’re obtaining fame and fortune? Many people spend the first half of the life trying to obtain riches – they overwork and chase after their goals, dreams and desires while sacrificing their health, marriage, relationships with their children and growing in their relationship with God (among other things). They forfeit their soul.  Then they spend the last half of their lives (or what’s left of it) using the wealth they have obtained to try to get back everything they damaged along the way – their health, marriage, relationships etc. It’s really not worth it.
“So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 The Passion Translation (TPT)

We should be vigilant in keeping watch over our souls (hearts, our thoughts, our will and our affections). It’s not wrong to have fame and fortune, and it’s not wrong to have stuff, but we shouldn’t obtain all if that to the detriment of our hearts, health and relationship with God and loved ones. If you have to pay for success with your health, relationship with God, your marriage, relationships with loved ones, or even your joy and peace, then you’re paying too much for success. True success is only found in a life-giving relationship with Jesus. Everything else flows from there (Matthew 6:33). 


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