? You have an unfair advantage! ?

True success is having a relationship with God and doing what God leads you to do. Success flows out of a life-giving relationship with God. Religion sees a relationship with God as something you satisfy through church attendance and doing a few things like praying or reading your Bible – good things, but you can do many good things for God out of obligation, with your heart disconnected from God. A healthy relationship involves the heart. God isn’t merely interested in having your service (you are not a servant) but He wants to connect with you; heart to heart (you’re His child).
You’ve probably heard the saying that it’s not what you know but who you know that matters. This counts in your favour as a child of God because through this life-giving relationship with Him you can receive wisdom, foreknowledge, insight and guidance, placing you at an unfair advantage in the world. You can advance in business and experience tremendous favour in life because of Who you know (God, your Father).
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits…”
Psalms 103:2 King James Version (KJV)

There are benefits to knowing God and having a relationship with Him, and one of them is being able to hear His voice – prayer isn’t a monologue where you present your list to God; it’s a dialogue where you can talk to God and He talks back to you – and this will help you to make great decisions in life. Being able to make God-inspired decisions will certainly give you the upper hand in the world.
“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.”
Psalms 27:8 King James Version (KJV)

Whilst there are benefits to knowing God (like receiving direction) we must remember that the greatest benefit is knowing Him. We shouldn’t get caught up in what God can do for us but rather get caught up in who He is. Seek ye my face speaks of intimacy; it’s an invitation to knowing Him. Many people seek God’s hand – what He can do for them – and that’s not completely wrong because God desires to help us and see us prosper. When we seek the Giver and not merely the gifts we will by default enjoy the gifts. Don’t merely seek to hear God’s voice so that you can make successful decisions and prosper in business – seek to know Him. Relationship with God isn’t about receiving instruction and going off to get the job done, it’s about doing life with God – step by step.
The more you grow in knowing God the easier it will be to make great decisions. Most of us flip this the wrong way around: we are seeking to grow in decision-making with God, not friendship, and we wonder why we’re struggling to make decisions. If we seek to grow in our friendship with Him, then making great decisions will be a by-product of that friendship.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6 King James Version (KJV)

The only way to know Father God is through Jesus Christ. When we consider the unconditional love and grace demonstrated for us through Jesus’ sacrifice it causes our hearts to open to Him and it deepens our relationship with Him. Faith is how we relate to God. When we focus on Jesus and His unconditional and self-sacrificial love for us, faith rises in us and our friendship with Him is further established.


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