? Don’t fall into this trap! 

? Don't fall into this trap! 

One of the biggest limitations that hold people back from walking in success and all that God has for them is fear of man.

I’ve seen it so many times: someone knows what God is calling them to but doesn’t step out in it because they’re fearful of what people may think. I settled in my heart a long time ago that if God leads me to do something, I’m going for it regardless of what others think of me. I would rather make a mistake in stepping out in faith with God and for God than make a mistake in holding back, being passive and fearful. If it smells like God I’d rather go for it than miss out by playing it safe. I’m not scared to risk and step out in faith!
There are different types of fears that people allow to hold them back from success, one being fear of man. This is when you can’t just make a decision without considering what everyone else will think or say about it. If I made decisions according to what everyone around me thought I would not be where I am today. I would be stuck in some mediocre job trying to make money. I wouldn’t be married to my awesome wife and wouldn’t have my amazing kids. I wouldn’t have been used by God (like I am) to impact people’s lives. I have travelled all over the world ministering the Gospel but if I was trying to follow the opinions of others I wouldn’t have left home; I wouldn’t have seen God touch people’s lives through me around the world as He has. Our church, GraceLife, would not exist and so many people would have missed out on the community that they are enjoying. I am sure I would have been a blessing to some people and I am sure that I would have had a good life, but it would not have been what it could have been. It would have been mediocre, and I would rather die than waste my time here on earth.     
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
Proverbs 29:25 King James Version (KJV)

Fear of man – fear of what people will think or say – reveals an insecurity in us. If we are so insecure that we are not willing to stand for the truth or do what we know God is calling us to do then we will never walk in the fullness that God has for us – we will limit what God wants to do in our lives and we will never be truly successful or satisfied. Fear of man is a trap and when you fall into that trap you will are immobilized! When we fear what people will say or think we’re really just trying to make sure that we’re safe and it reveals that we value people’s opinion over God’s – we’re trusting in our wisdom and we are not trusting in God. When we trust in the Lord we are safe. Being a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) is about living for the audience of One – Jesus!
When you follow me as my disciple, you must put aside your father, your mother, your wife, your sisters, your brothers—yes, you will even seem as though you hate your own life. This is the price you’ll pay to be considered one of my followers.
Luke 14:26 The Passion Translation (TPT)

Jesus isn’t saying that you should literally hate people but that we should love Jesus more than anyone or anything else. We should value Jesus’ opinion more than anyone else’s. This is why it is so vital that you choose your spouse carefully – it’s one of the most important decisions you will ever make because they will either support you in living for God or they won’t. God’s opinion of us should matter more to us than anyone else’s.

I am not saying that you should just ignore everyone and be a rebel. There is wisdom in the counsel of many (Proverbs 15:22) and we are called to honour our parents (Ephesians 6:2) and submit to our spiritual leaders (Hebrews 13:17). We should walk in love towards others (Ephesians 5:2)  but our love for Jesus should be infinitely greater. We are instructed to walk in wisdom (Ephesians 5:15). Whenever I have felt God leading me to do something I naturally pray about it but I also submit it to my spiritual leaders and ask those closest to me for prayerful input. These are men and women who are spiritually mature – people who I trust because of the fruitfulness in their lives. I take their input and prayerfully consider it. I’m asking for input but I don’t have to take it. If the majority of people around me – who love me and love Jesus – are not in favour of what I feel God is telling me, then I pull the breaks up and wait on God for clarity and confirmation – this process is a safeguard. Ultimately, other people are not making my decisions for me and so I need to make the final decision, together with my teammate and wife, Marna. I want to be in unity and agreement with my wife concerning decisions and following the Lord. I thank God for a godly wife who loves Jesus, is a living sacrifice and desires to live for Him – it makes things so much easier!


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