⛽ Fuel for success ⏩

“7 I have fought an excellent fight. I have finished my full course and I’ve kept my heart full of faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7-8 The Passion Translation (TPT)

You have a specially marked out path to run – a God-given destiny. Success is knowing what that path (calling) is and doing it with excellence. In seeking to fulfil your calling you need to realize that you can’t fulfil it on your own. It’s not God’s will that you get direction from Him and run off trying to get there on your own. God wants to do it with you. The only way that you’ll be able to say, I have finished my full course, is if you keep your heart full of faith. This speaks of living by faith out of a relationship with God. It means that you’re trusting God and relying on His ability and wisdom.

Far too often we rely on our ability, our qualifications, skills etc., but you can only take you so far – in and of yourself you are limited, but when we walk with God we are able to overcome the limitations of our natural abilities, skills and wisdom.

“The Just shall live by faith”
Romans 1:17 ESV

As believers, we are the Just – the justified ones. We are wired to live by faith – trusting in and relying on God, every step of the way. It’s only with a heart full of faith that anyone can finish their full course. A heart full of faith is a heart that is looking to God and His ability – faith doesn’t focus on the limitations of natural circumstances. A heart full of faith believes that all things are possible with God and to the one who believes (Matthew 19:26; Mark 9:23). When we focus on the challenges around us it is easy to get discouraged and give up, but a heart full of faith doesn’t get discouraged and won’t give up because it sees beyond the natural realm. True success is only possible with a heart full of faith which is the fuel for success.
How do you keep your heart full of faith?
“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”
Romans 10:17 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

In context, the word of Christ is referring to the gospel; the message of God’s unconditional love and grace, and the finished work of Jesus. Faith doesn’t come by hearing the bible but by hearing the gospel. This verse says that faith comes by hearing, not heard. If you want your heart full of faith then don’t stop hearing what Jesus has done for you – keep filling your heart with the truth of the gospel.
“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The way we run our race is by fixing our focus on Jesus because He is the start of our faith and He perfects our faith – you cannot have a heart full of faith apart from focusing on Jesus! It all comes down to living life out of a place of a life-giving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That’s the essence of success – living a life out of a continual, life-giving relationship with God. Not trying to apply principles and techniques but seeking to know God more and following His leading in everything.
 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33 New King James Version (NKJV)


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